When you have some extra cash to set aside each month, our savings account is a great way to help your money grow. Our everyday account is a great place to get started, offering automatic money transfers and easy access to your cash when you need it most.

Ready access
Your money is easily accessible for deposits, transfers and withdrawals.

Online and mobile banking
With online and mobile banking, you have access to your accounts 24 hours a day, making banking easier and greener, too.

Set up automatic savings
Save time when you set up an automatic transfer for the amount and duration you prefer.
Things you should know
- You must be 18 years of age for a sole account and at least one account holder must be 18 years of age or older for a joint account
- No monthly maintenance fee
- View the Everyday Savings interest rates
Important documents
How to apply
Existing customers
If you are already a HSBC customer, simply log on to online banking and create a new account.
New customers
If this is your first HSBC account, you can apply online in a matter of minutes by completing our simple form
Apply in branch
It’s often quicker to apply online, but we’re still here in branch for those who need our support.
Call +1 441 299 5959 to book an appointment.
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Financial planning
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Issued by HSBC Bank Bermuda Limited, of 37 Front Street, Hamilton Bermuda, which is licensed to conduct Banking and Investment Business by the Bermuda Monetary Authority.