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What you get with an HSBC Premer BermudaCard Mastercard:
- Bonus Points for new applicantsNew applicants receive 3,000 points. Spend $6,000 in the first 3 months to earn an additional 8,000 points.
- Contactless TechnologyNo need to sign or to enter your PIN for purchases under BM $50. Simply tap your card on the reader and you are good to go.
- Receive credit card alerts to help protect from fraudAs an HSBC Credit Card customer, you can register to receive an email when your card is used. Add or update your credit card alert preferences online, anywhere, anytime. Request new alerts or make changes to existing preferences that can help you manage your card
Things you should know
- Local (Bermuda) use card only
- BMD Denominated with No Foreign Currency Purchase Tax (FCPT)
- 20.95% APR
- No annual fee
Eligibility criteria
To apply for a HSBC Premier Mastercard® Bermudacard, you must hold a HSBC Premier account. This account is available to customers who meet at least one of the following criteria:
- maintain at least $200,000 (or foreign currency equivalent) in personal savings or investments with HSBC Bermuda
- maintain a mortgage with an originating value of $1million or more (in good standing) with HSBC Bermuda
- be a qualified HSBC Premier customer in another country or region
Account Fees
Please take a moment to review our fees for debit and credit cards.
Apply for an HSBC Premier BermudaCard Mastercard
Please note that currently processing times are longer than usual
After you have submitted the application, we will begin reviewing your application on the next business day following submission.
You must be registered for online banking to complete an online application form. To apply, log on to your online banking account and select Online Applications from the Our Products menu.
Premier BermudaCard Mastercard Card Usage Guide
Purchase Protection
Description of Coverage
- Important information. Please read and save.
- The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, or other provisions of any program or insurance benefits provided by, or for, or issued to MasterCard.
- To file a claim or for more information on any of these services, please call the specific MasterCard Global Service™ toll-free number for your country, or call direct, or collect to the United States at: 1-636-722–8883(English); 1-636-722-8882(Español); 1-636-722-8881(Português).
- “Card” refers to Mastercard® Platinum card
- “Cardholder”, “you”, and “your” refer to a Mastercard® Platinum Cardholder, who has an eligible Mastercard® Platinum Account and whose name is embossed on the surface of the Mastercard® Platinum card.
- Selection of benefits on your MasterCard card may vary by card issuer. Please refer to your issuing financial institution for more details.
As a Mastercard® Platinum cardholder you can shop with confidence, knowing that most purchases you make with your Mastercard® Platinum card may be protected in case of loss due to Theft or accidental Damage for the first forty five (45) days from the date of purchase (indicated on the store receipt).
Who is Covered:
- Mastercard® Platinum Cardholders.
To Get Coverage:
- Use your Mastercard® Platinum card for the entire purchase of a new item.
- Please be sure to keep your receipts in a safe place.
The Kind of Coverage you Receive:
- Covered Purchases made entirely with your Mastercard® Platinum card may be covered if the item is accidentally Damaged or Stolen within forty five (45) days from the date of purchase (indicated on your store receipt).
- The maximum benefit amounts is up to USD† $5,000 per occurrence with a maximum aggregate of USD† $10,000 per twelve (12) month period.
- Covered Purchases given as gifts are included.
- Covered Purchases do not have to be registered.
- Online purchases are covered.
Coverage Conditions/Limitations:
- Covered Purchases that are made up of a pair or set will be limited to the cost of repair or replacement of the specific item that is Stolen or accidentally Damage.
- In the event of a claim, notice must be provided to the Insurance Company within thirty (30) days of the date that it was discovered. Failure to give notice within thirty (30) days from the date of the incident may result in a denial of the claim (please refer to the section, “How to File a Claim”.
- For Theft claims, the Cardholder must provide an official police report regarding the incident within the required timeframe.
- It is the Insurance Company’s discretion to decide whether to have the item repaired or replaced, or to reimburse the original purchase price; less any rebates, discounts, rewards points or benefits received from other coverage provided.
- Benefits will not exceed that actual amount charged to your Mastercard® Platinum card or the benefit maximum.
- The Cardholder must take all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover the property.
- No person or entity other than the Cardholder(s) shall have any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim of insurance proceeds and/or damages under or arising out of this coverage.
- Your Account must be in good standing at the time of purchase of the Covered Purchase. Coverage shall extend to Acts of Terrorism as defined in the key terms and definitions section.
What is NOT Covered by Purchase Protection (Exclusions):
The following items are excluded from coverage under this plan of insurance:
- any motor vehicle: including automobiles, boats and airplanes, and any equipment and/or parts necessary for their operation and/or maintenance;
- permanent household and/or business fixtures, including but not limited to carpeting, flooring and/or tile, air conditioners, refrigerators, or heaters;
- travelers check(s), cash, tickets of any kind, negotiable instruments, bullion, rare or precious coins or stamps, plants, animals, consumables, perishables and services;
- art, antiques, and collectable items;
- furs, jewelry, gems, precious stones and articles made of or containing gold (or other precious metals and/or precious stones);
- items the Cardholder have rented or leased;
- used, rebuilt, refurbished, or remanufactured items at the time of purchase;
- shipping and handling expenses or installation, assembly related costs;
- items purchase for resale, professional or commercial use;
- losses that are caused by vermin, insects, termites, mold, wet or dry rot, bacteria or rust;
- losses due to mechanical failure, electrical failure, software failure, or data failure including, but not limited to any electrical power interruption, surge, brownout or blackout, or telecommunications or satellite systems failure;
- items damaged due to normal wear and tear, inherent product defect or normal course of play (such as, but not limited to sporting or recreational equipment);
- items that the Cardholder damaged through alteration (including cutting, sawing, and shaping);
- items left unattended in a place to which the general public has access;
- loss due to or related to nuclear, biological or chemical event;
- The Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, will not be liable to provide any coverage or make any payment hereunder if to do so would be in violation of any sanctions law or regulation which would expose The Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, its parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any penalty under any sanctions law or regulation.
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, or other provisions of any program or insurance benefits provided by, or for, or issued to MasterCard.
Key Terms and Conditions:
Account: means an International Use Mastercard® Platinum card account that is open and in good standing (not cancelled, suspended or delinquent) at the time of Purchase of the Covered Purchase.
Biological Event (biological weapon): means the deliberate use of disease-causing biological agents such as protozoa, fungi, bacteria, protists, or viruses, to kill or incapacitate humans, other animals or plants.
Cardholder: means a person who has an eligible Account and whose name is on the surface (embossed or other) of an eligible Mastercard® Platinum card provided by an Issuer in the issuing territory.
Chemical Event (chemical weapon): means a device utilizing chemicals formulated to inflict death or harm to human beings.
Covered Purchases: means items purchased entirely with your Mastercard® Platinum card and/or have been acquired with points earned by a Rewards Program associated with your Mastercard® Platinum card.
Damage (accidental): means items that can no longer perform the function they were intended to do in normal service due to broken parts, material or structural failures
Good Standing: means an Account that is current in its dues and payments and follows all other requirements from the Issuer.
Insured Person(s): means a Mastercard® Platinum cardholder or other eligible person(s) who are defined as being eligible under each program’s “Who is Covered” provision in this guide.
Issuer: means a bank, financial institution (or like entity) or Corporation and/or Government Institution (CGI) that is admitted or and/or authorized by MasterCard to operate a MasterCard card program in the Issuing Territory.
Issuing Territories: means Bolivia, Caribbean, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador Perú.
MasterCard: means MasterCard International (or MasterCard Worldwide), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, USA, with a principal place of business at 2000 Purchase Street, Purchase, NY 10577.
Nuclear Event: means Property Damage caused by or arising from nuclear weapons and/or related materials, ionized radiation or contamination by radioactivity resulting from nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel.
Policy: means a contract of insurance and any attached endorsements or riders issued to MasterCard.
Property Damage: means physical injury to, destruction of or loss of use on tangible property due to an unforeseen event.
Reward Program: means a program developed/offered by MasterCard and Issuer, allowing cardholders to earn value (mileage points, cash, etc.) and redeem rewards (merchandise, travel, etc.) on an eligible MasterCard card. An eligible Rewards Program must be a consequence of “plastic”/card transactions associated with MasterCard, regardless of the value earned (mileage points, cash, etc.). Rewards programs where points are not generated by “plastic”/card transactions, or not associated with MasterCard at all, are not considered eligible Rewards Programs. For a Cardholder to be eligible for coverage, he/she must pay all associated taxes, shipping and handling fees and any other required fees with his/her eligible MasterCard card or eligible MasterCard reward points.
Stolen: means items that are taken by force and/or under duress or the disappearance of the item from a known place under circumstances that would indicate the probability of theft.
The Company: means a Member Company of AIG Insurance Company underwriting the Insurance coverage, and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable.
Theft (also known as stealing): means the illegal act of taking a Covered Purchase belonging to a Cardholder, without the consent of the Cardholder, with the intent to deprive the owner of its value.
Terrorist Act: means the use or threatened use of force or violence against person or property, or commission of an act dangerous to human life or property, or commission of an act that interferes with or disrupts an electronic or communication system, undertaken by any person or group, whether or not acting on behalf of or in any connection with any organization, government, power, authority or military force, when the effect is to intimidate, coerce or harm a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, or to disrupt any segment of the economy. Terrorism shall also include any act which is verified or recognized as an act of terrorism by the government where the event occurs.
How to File a Claim:
In the event of a claim, the following procedures should be followed:
- You (Cardholder) or the beneficiary or someone legally acting on behalf of either, must notify us as required in the Claim Notification Period, or your claim may be denied - Upon receipt of a notice of claim, the Plan Administrator, Claims Administrator or Insurance Company, will furnish to a claimant the necessary Claim Form(s);
- Complete the Claim Form(s) in its entirety signed and dated;
- Submit all Required Information (proof of loss), as outlined in this section no later than the Submission Period.
Please note, there may be additional information requested at times in order to process your claim. It is your responsibility to provide this information in order to process the claim.
For assistance with filing a claim, please call the specific MasterCard Global Service™ toll-free number for your country, or call direct, or collect, to the United States at: 1-636-722–8883 (English); 1-636-722-8882 (Español); 1-636-722-8881 (Português).
Claim Notification Period: Within thirty (30) days from the date of theft or incident.
Submission Period: No later than thirty (30) days from the date of Claim Notification.
Required Information (proof of loss):
a) An original purchase receipt showing payment of the item was made entirely with the eligible Mastercard® Platinum card;
b) For theft claims, Cardholder must provide official copies of the police report regarding the incident within the required timeframe;
c) For damage claims, Cardholder must provide official copies of the repair estimates;
d) Cardholder's statement of Account showing it is eligible at the time of Purchase of the Covered Purchase.
* Cardholder may be required to send in the damaged item(s), at your expense, for further evaluation of the claim.
Please note there may be additional information requested at times in order to process your claim. It is your responsibility to provide this information in order to process the claim.
Submit all required information as outlined above by either:
- Upload: www.mycardbenefits.com
- Email: mcresponse@ufac-claims.com
- Fax: 1-216-617-2910
- Mail: MasterCard Benefits Assistance Center
c/o Program Administrator at Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.
PO Box 89405
Cleveland, OH, 44101-6405
Subject to the applicable terms and conditions, all other benefits will be paid to the Insured Person or other appropriate party where necessary. Payment of any indemnity shall be subject to the laws and governmental regulations then in effect in the country of payment.
† Each insurance benefit limit described in this Guide is in United States Dollar (USD). Payment of claims will be made in local currency where required law, with the official Foreign Exchange Rates published on the date the claim is paid.
General Provisions and Disclaimers:
General: These benefits and services are effective for eligible MasterCard cardholders effective January 1, 2020. This document supersedes any guide or program communication you may have received earlier. The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. This document is not a Policy, contract, warranty or promise of insurance or other benefit. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions and exclusions of the policies or other benefits, all of which are subject to change by MasterCard or the underwriters or other service providers at any time and without prior notice. Provision of services is subject to availability and applicable legal restrictions. Insurance coverage is underwritten by approved Member Companies of AIG Insurance Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable. Complete provisions pertaining to these plans of insurance are contained in the Master Policy(ies) on file with the Plan Administrator, Affinity Insurance Services, Inc, on behalf of MasterCard Worldwide, Latin America and Caribbean Region in Purchase, New York, USA. If there are any discrepancies between this document and the Master Policy(ies) or the applicable MasterCard contract for other benefits, the Master Policy(ies) or the applicable MasterCard contract for other benefits shall govern. The Insurance Company has the final authority to determine the outcome of an insurance claim. The appointed service provider for non-insurance services and benefits provided to cardholders holds final authority to determine and respond to any claims, comments, inquiries, disputes; related to utilization of the cardholder benefit program.
Cancellation: MasterCard can cancel these benefits at any time or choose not to renew insurance coverage for all Cardholders. Insurance coverage or benefits provided by these programs may cease on the date indicated in the Master Policy in existence between MasterCard International and the Insurance Company; or will be terminated on the date your MasterCard card terminates or ceases to be a Valid Account, whichever occurs first. If a benefit/program is cancelled, cardholders will be notified in advance, as soon as reasonably practical. The effective time for any Cancellation referenced in this section shall be 12:01 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. Any claim for benefits from Purchase Protection that occurs prior to the effective date of cancellation shall not be prejudiced by the cancellation or non-renewal, subject to the terms and conditions of the Master Policy(ies).
Valid Account: (1) Your MasterCard card account must be open, valid and in good standing for any benefits, coverage or services to apply; and (2) Benefits will not be paid and coverage will not apply if; on the date of an accident, occurrence or incident that causes or results in a loss covered under any plan of insurance, your MasterCard card account is not open, valid, in good standing; or is in delinquency, collection, or cancellation status.
Cardholder Duties After a Loss (Due Diligence): You must use all reasonable means to avoid future loss at and after the time of loss and provide full compliance with the duties that are described. This includes full cooperation with the Insurance Company, Plan Administrator(s) and Third Party Claims Administrator who act on behalf of MasterCard for programs or other services offered as benefits to a cardholder; with investigating, evaluating and settling a claim.
Concealment, Fraud or Misrepresentation: Insurance coverage/benefits or services described herein, will be void, whether before or after a loss or request for services are made, if you willfully concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance concerning or provided fraudulent information concerning the plans of insurance or other services described herein to: MasterCard International, the Insurance Company, financial institution issuing the card Account, or any other company performing services and/or administration on behalf of these programs.
Legal Actions: No legal action may be brought to recover on a Policy until sixty (60) days after the Insurance Company has been given written proof of loss. No such action may be brought after three (3) years from the time written proof of loss is required to be given.
Conformity with local statutes: Any provision of a Policy, which; on its effective date, is in conflict with the statutes of the country in which the policy was delivered or issued for delivery is hereby amended to conform to the minimum requirement of such statutes.
Sanctions: The Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, will not be liable to provide any coverage or make any payment hereunder if to do so would be in violation of any sanctions law or regulation which would expose The Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, its parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any penalty under any sanctions law or regulation.
Arbitration: Any dispute regarding the terms of any Master Policy(ies) of insurance, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination will be referred to and resolved by arbitration and in accordance with the arbitration rules/regulations of the country where your MasterCard card account has been issued.
Confidentiality and Security: We may disclose all information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform administrative services on our behalf solely in connection with insurance coverage you have received. We restrict access to personal information to our employees, our affiliates' employees, or others who need to know that information to service the account or in the course of conducting our normal business operations. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect personal information.
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, or other provisions of any program or insurance benefits provided by, or for, or issued to MasterCard.
Master Rental
Description of Coverage
- Important information. Please read and save.
- The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, or other provisions of any program or insurance benefits provided by, or for, or issued to Mastercard.
- To file a claim or for more information on any of these services, please call the specific Mastercard Global Service™ toll-free number for your country, or call direct, or collect to the United States at: 1-636-722–8883(English);1-636-722-8882(Español);1-636-722-8881(Português).
- “Card” refers to Mastercard® Platinum Card.
- “Cardholder”, “you”, and “your” refer to a Mastercard® Platinum Cardholder, who has an eligible Mastercard® Platinum Account and whose name is embossed on the surface of the Mastercard® Platinum Card.
- Selection of benefits on your Mastercard card may vary by card issuer. Please refer to your issuing financial institution for more details.
- MasterRental™ is a smart way to save money and receive valuable insurance coverage when you rent a vehicle with an eligible Mastercard® Platinum card.
- When you rent a vehicle using your Mastercard® Platinum card, coverage will be provided for damages to the Rental Car caused by collision with another object, overturn, Theft, Vandalism, accidental fire, and physical damage as a result of hail, lightning, flood or other weather related causes. For claims instructions, please refer to the section “How to File a Claim”.
Who is Covered:
- Mastercard® Platinum Cardholders and those designated as Authorized Drivers in the Rental Agreement.
To Get Coverage:
- Initiate the transaction under your name and pay for the entire Rental Company’s security deposit using your Mastercard® Platinum card and sign the Rental Agreement;
- Authorized Drivers whose name(s) appear as a driver on the Rental Agreement will also be covered;
- Pay for the entire rental transaction (tax, gasoline, and airport fees are not considered rental charges) with your Mastercard® Platinum card and/or points earned by a Rewards Program as defined herein associated with your eligible Mastercard® Platinum card prior to picking up or immediately upon the return of the Rental Car; and
- You must Decline any/all partial or full collision damage insurance or similar collision damage and loss damage waiver (CDW/LDW) offered by the Rental Company.
Length and Scope of Coverage:
- Coverage begins when you pick up the car and ends when you turn it in, limited up to thirty one (31) consecutive days, worldwide.
- Coverage is not provided where prohibited by law.
Cardholder may have difficulty utilizing the benefits of MasterRental in some countries or with some rental agencies. Cardholder should contact the Rental Company before making arrangements.
The Kind of Coverage you Receive:
- MasterRental provides a maximum benefit amount up to USD† 75,000 per incident.
- MasterRental provides “primary” insurance coverage for cardholders or Authorized Drivers that are legally liable and allowed by law for charges to a Rental Company per the Rental Agreement for damages caused by the Rental Car’s collision with another object; or Theft of the Rental Car; or overturn; accidental fire; or Vandalism; or physical damage as a result of hail, lightning, flood or other weather related causes.
- Back-to-back renewal Rental Periods are covered as long as the Insured Person returns to the Rental Agency from which the Rental Agreement was issued and applies for a new contract.
- Coverage is also provided for equipment or accessories installed in the van for the purpose of assisting a handicapped driver.
- Coverage shall also extend to a loss caused by or resulting from Acts of Terrorism.
- Benefits are provided for Reasonable and Customary towing charges, due to a covered loss, to the nearest qualified repair facility.
Coverage Conditions/Limitations:
Coverage is provided for the “lesser” of:
- the contractual liability assumed by the Insured Person with the Rental Company up to the Actual Cash Value, subject up to the maximum benefit amount of USD† 75,000; or
- the Reasonable and Customary charges of repair or replacement, towing charges; and
- Loss of Use charges for a reasonable period while the Rental Car is being repaired as supported by a class and location specific fleet utilization log.
Which Vehicles Are Covered (“Rental Car”):
- All land motor vehicle with four or more wheels, which the eligible Insured Person has rented during the Rental Period, as of time shown in the Rental Agreement.
- Coverage is provided for vans only if they are standard vans with standard equipment and are designed with a seating capacity of nine (9) passengers or less.
- Luxury and exotic cars that meet the definition of a Rental Car are covered up to the maximum benefit amount of USD† 75,000.
Which Vehicles Are NOT Covered (Excluded vehicles):
- All trucks (except Sport Utility Vehicles with Four Wheels unless specifically designed for off-road use), pickups, full-size vans mounted on truck chassis, campers, off-road vehicles, trailers, motorbikes, motorcycles, and any other vehicle having fewer than four wheels; antique cars (cars that are over 20 years old or have not been manufactured for at least 10 years), limousines or any leased vehicles.
For any questions, to confirm coverage of a particular vehicle or to file a claim please call please call the specific Mastercard Global Service™ toll-free number for your country, or call direct, or collect to the United States at: 1-636-722–8883(English);1-636-722-8882(Español);1-636-722-8881(Português).
What is NOT Covered (Exclusions):
MasterRental insurance does not cover any loss or damages caused by or resulting from:
- any obligation the Insured Person assumes under any agreement, other than the deductible obligation under the Insured Person's personal automobile insurance Policy;
- the rental of a vehicle which does not meet the definition of a "Rental Car", as defined herein;
- any collision that occurs while the eligible Insured Person is in violation of the Rental Agreement;
- any loss covered by any collision damage insurance (full or partial) or collision damage waiver (CDW) or loss damage waiver (LDW) purchased through the Rental Company;
- rentals made on a monthly basis unless the eligible Insured Person returns to the place from which the Rental Car Agreement was issued and applies for a new contract;
- wear and tear, freezing, mechanical breakdown unless caused by other loss covered by this program;
- injury to anyone or damage to anything inside or outside the Rental Car;
- loss or theft of personal belongings and/or any items lost or stolen: from, in, on, around or outside of the Rental Car (i.e. including but not limited to GPS systems, radio/stereo, car seats);
- personal liability damages;
- intentional acts of the eligible Insured Person, or loss due to the Insured Person being under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants and/or drugs;
- the Insured Person’s involvement in any illegal activity;
- loss caused by unauthorized drivers;
- the theft of the Rental Car when the Insured Person cannot produce the keys to the Rental Car as a result of negligence;
- subsequent damages resulting from a failure to mitigate damages once a covered loss has occurred;
- blowouts or tire/rim damage that occurs independently of vehicle damage/theft or vandalism to the Rental Car and /or tire, or that has been proven to be the proximate cause of further damage to the Rental Car;
- depreciation, diminishment of value, administrative, or other fees charged by the Rental Company;
- war or hostilities of any kind (for example, invasion, rebellion, insurrection, riot or civil commotion), confiscation by any government, public authority or customs official;
- a Rental Car being used for hire or as a public or livery conveyance;
- value-added tax (VAT) or similar tax, unless reimbursement of such tax is required by law;
- interest or conversion fees assessed by your financial institution;
- loss or damage as a result of the Insured Person’s lack of reasonable care in protecting the Rental Car before and after damage occurs (for example, leaving the car running and unattended).
- AIG (The Company) and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, will not be liable to provide any coverage or make any payment hereunder if to do so would be in violation of any sanctions law or regulation which would expose AIG (The Company) and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, its parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any penalty under any sanctions law or regulation.
Helpful Advice:
- Check the rental vehicle for prior damage before leaving the rental lot and alert the company of any damage.
- Review the car rental agreement carefully to make sure you are declining CDW/LDW.
- Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the car rental agreement.
- Please remember, all Authorized Drivers must be in the Rental Agreement.
- In the event of a claim, notice must be provided to the MasterRental Claims Center within 30 days of the date of occurrence. Failure to give notice within 30 days from the date of the incident may result in a denial of the claim (please refer to the section, “How to File a Claim”).
- At the time of the accident or when you return the Rental Vehicle, be sure to immediately request the Rental Company to provide you with:
a) Copies of the Accident Report Form and claim document, which should indicate the costs you are responsible for and any amounts that have been paid toward the claim;
b) Copies of the initial and final car Rental Agreement(s);
c) Copies of the repair estimate or itemized repair bill and two (2) photographs of the damaged vehicle (if available).
Key Terms and Definitions:
Account: means an International Use Mastercard® Platinum Card account that is open and in good standing (not cancelled, suspended or delinquent) at the time of:
- Loss for Master Rental.
Actual Cash Value: means the amount a Rental Car is determined to be worth based on its Market Value less salvage proceeds (if applicable), age and condition at the time of Loss.
AIG (The Company): means the Company underwriting the Insurance Coverage.
Authorized Driver: means the person(s) traveling with the cardholder and whose name(s) appear as an eligible driver in the Rental Agreement.
Cardholder: means a person who has an eligible Account and whose name is on the surface (embossed or other) of an eligible Mastercard® Platinum card provided by an Issuer in the Issuing Territory.
Good Standing: means an Account that is current in its dues and payments and follows all other requirements from the Issuer.
Injury: means a bodily injury caused solely and directly by violent, accidental, external and visible means resulting directly and independently of all other causes occurring during a Covered Trip while this policy is in effect.
Insured Person(s): means a Mastercard® Platinum cardholder or other eligible person(s) who are defined as being eligible under each program’s “Who is Covered” provision in this guide.
Issuer: means a bank, financial institution (or like entity) or Corporation and/or Government Institution (CGI) that is admitted or and/or authorized by Mastercard to operate a Mastercard card program in the Issuing Territory.
Issuing Territories: means Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Curaçao, St Kitts & Nevis, St Maarten, Trinidad & Tobago, Virgin Islands U.S., Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Haiti, Jamaica, Turks & Caicos.
Loss of Use: means Reasonable and Customary charges imposed by the Rental Company for the period of time the car is being repaired that are substantiated and supported by a class and location specific fleet utilization log.
Market Value: means a) the amount that a seller may expect to obtain for merchandise, services, or securities in the open market; b) the price for which something would sell based on what they would sell for under current market conditions; c) the price of destroyed or damaged stock or goods.
Mastercard: means Mastercard International (or Mastercard Worldwide), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, USA, with a principal place of business at 2000 Purchase Street, Purchase, NY 10577.
Policy: means a contract of insurance and any attached endorsements or riders issued to Mastercard.
Reasonable and Customary charge: means a charge in an amount consistently made by other vendors/providers for a given service in the same geographic area and which reflects the complexity of the service taking into account availability of experienced repair personnel, availability of parts, and the effort of the vendor/provider to repair the damaged vehicle (as measured by the ratio of total repair time to total time the vehicle is in the vendor/providers possession).
Rental Agreement: means the entire contract an eligible Insured Person receives when renting a Rental Car from a Rental Company that describes in full all of the terms and conditions of the rental transaction, as well as the responsibilities of all parties under the contract.
Rental Car: means land motor vehicle with four or more wheels, which the eligible Insured Person has rented during a Rental Period, as of time shown in the Rental Car Agreement. A van is covered, only if they are standard vans with standard equipment and are designed with a seating capacity of nine (9) passengers or less. Leased vehicles are not a Rental Car.
Rental Company: means any commercial vehicle licensed rental agency which rents Rental Cars.
Rental Period: means up to 31 consecutive days.
Services: means the performance of rendering of labor, maintenance, repair, or installation of products, goods, or property.
Theft: (also known as stealing) means the illegal act of taking the Rental Car or any original factory installed parts of the Rental Car belonging to a Rental Company, without the consent of the cardholder and/or other authorized users per the Rental Agreement, with intent to deprive the owner of its value.
Vandalism: means the wanton, reckless and mischievous destruction of any part or all of the Rental Car by parties unknown to the Insured Person in a circumstance that prevents the Insured Person from exercising due diligence with regard to the protection of the Rental Car.
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, or other provisions of any program or insurance benefits provided by, or for, or issued to Mastercard.
How to File a Claim:
In the event of a claim, the following procedures should be followed:
- You (cardholder) or the beneficiary or someone legally acting on behalf of either, must notify us as required in the Claim Notification Period, or your claim may be denied - Upon receipt of a notice of claim, the Plan Administrator, Claims Administrator or Insurance Company, will furnish to a claimant the necessary Claim Form(s);
- Complete the Claim Form(s) in its entirety signed and dated;
- Submit all Required Information (proof of loss), as outlined in this section no later than the Submission Period.
Please note, there may be additional information requested at times in order to process your claim. It is your responsibility to provide this information in order to process the claim.
For assistance with filing a claim, please call the specific MasterCard Global Service™ toll-free number for your country, or call direct, or collect, to the United States at: 1-636-722–8883 (English); 1-636-722-8882 (Español); 1-636-722-8881 (Português).
Claim Notification Period: Within thirty (30) days from the date of loss.
Submission Period: No later than one hundred-eighty (180) days from the date of Claim Notification.
Required Information (proof of loss):
a) An original receipt showing payment of the Rental was made entirely with the eligible Mastercard® Platinum Card;
b) Copies of the original rental agreement (front and back);
c) Copies of certified police reports, if applicable (upon request);
d) An internal damage document such as an “Incident/Accident Report” from Rental Company, an itemized repair bill or estimate,
e) Other documentation such as Mastercard Rewards Program and Rental Company promotional material, etc. - if applicable
f) Copies of the Rental Company’s Fleet Utilization log - if “Loss of Use” charges are being claimed;
g) Cardholder's statement of Account showing it is eligible as per Account definition in Key Terms and Definitions (General) section.
Please note, there may be additional information requested at times in order to process your claim. It is your responsibility to provide this information in order to process the claim.
Submit all required information as outlined above by either:
- Upload: www.mycardbenefits.com
- Email: mcresponse@ufac-claims.com
- Fax: 1-216-617-2910
- Mail: MasterCard Benefits Assistance Center
c/o Program Administrator at Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.
PO Box 89405
Cleveland, OH, 44101-6405
† Each insurance benefit limit described in this Guide is in United States Dollar (USD). Payment of claims will be made in local currency where required law, with the official Foreign Exchange Rates published on the date the claim is paid.
General Provisions and Disclaimers:
General: These benefits and services are effective for eligible Mastercard cardholders effective October 1, 2017. This document supersedes any guide or program communication you may have received earlier. The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. This document is not a Policy, contract, warranty or promise of insurance or other benefit. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions and exclusions of the policies or other benefits, all of which are subject to change by Mastercard or the underwriters or other service providers at any time and Insurance coverage is underwritten by approved Member Companies of AIG Insurance Company. Complete provisions pertaining to these plans of insurance are contained in the Master Policy(ies) on file with the Plan Administrator, Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. on behalf of Mastercard Worldwide, Latin America and Caribbean Region in Purchase, New York, USA. If there are any discrepancies between this document and the Master Policy(ies) or the applicable Mastercard contract for other benefits, the Master Policy(ies) or the applicable Mastercard contract for other benefits shall govern. The Insurance Company has the final authority to determine the outcome of an insurance claim.
Cancellation: Mastercard can cancel these benefits at any time or choose not to renew insurance coverage for all Cardholders. Insurance coverage or benefits provided by these programs may cease on the date indicated in the Master Policy in existence between Mastercard International and the Insurance Company; or will be terminated on the date your Mastercard card terminates or ceases to be a Valid Account, whichever occurs first. If a benefit/program is cancelled, cardholders will be notified in advance, as soon as reasonably practical. The effective time for any Cancellation referenced in this section shall be 12:01 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. Any claim for benefits from MasterRental, MasterTravel and MasterAssist Plus that occurs prior to the effective date of cancellation shall not be prejudiced by the cancellation or non-renewal, subject to the terms and conditions of the Master Policy(ies).
Valid Account: (1) Your Mastercard card account must be open, valid and in good standing for any benefits, coverage or services to apply; and (2) Benefits will not be paid and coverage will not apply if; on the date of an accident, occurrence or incident that causes or results in a loss covered under any plan of insurance, your Mastercard card account is not open, valid, in good standing; or is in delinquency, collection, or cancellation status.
Cardholder Duties After a Loss (Due Diligence): You must use all reasonable means to avoid future loss at and after the time of loss and provide full compliance with the duties that are described. This includes full cooperation with the Insurance Company, Plan Administrator(s) and Third Party Claims Administrator who act on behalf of Mastercard for programs or other services offered as benefits to a cardholder; with investigating, evaluating and settling a claim.
Rights to Recover/Subrogation: If payment is made under MasterRental, the insurance company is entitled to recover such amounts from other parties or persons. Any party or person to or for whom the insurance company makes payment must transfer to the insurance company his or her rights to recovery against any other party or person. The cardholder must do everything necessary to secure these rights and must do nothing that would jeopardize them, or these rights will be recovered from the cardholder.
Transfer of Rights: After a claim is paid under MasterRental Insurance Coverage, the rights and remedies of the eligible Mastercard cardholder (or any third party benefiting under this program) against any party in respect to this loss or damage will be transferred to the insurance company. In addition to transferring such rights, the eligible Mastercard cardholder (or any third party paid under this program) must provide the insurance company with any assistance necessary to secure its rights and remedies and must do nothing that would jeopardize them.
Assignment: No rights or benefits provided under MasterRental may be assigned without the prior written consent of the Insurance Company, Plan Administrator or Third Party Claims Administrator.
Concealment, Fraud or Misrepresentation: Insurance coverage/benefits or services described herein, will be void, whether before or after a loss or request for services are made, if you willfully concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance concerning or provided fraudulent information concerning the plans of insurance or other services described herein to: Mastercard International, the Insurance Company, financial institution issuing the card Account, or any other company performing services and/or administration on behalf of these programs.
Legal Actions: No legal action may be brought to recover on a Policy until sixty (60) days after the Insurance Company has been given written proof of loss. No such action may be brought after three (3) years from the time written proof of loss is required to be given.
Conformity with local statutes: Any provision of a Policy, which; on its effective date, is in conflict with the statutes of the country in which the policy was delivered or issued for delivery is hereby amended to conform to the minimum requirement of such statutes.
Sanctions: AIG (The Company) and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, will not be liable to provide any coverage or make any payment hereunder if to do so would be in violation of any sanctions law or regulation which would expose AIG (The Company) and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, its parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any penalty under any sanctions law or regulation.
Arbitration: Any dispute regarding the terms of any Master Policy(ies) of insurance, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination will be referred to and resolved by arbitration and in accordance with the arbitration rules/regulations of the country where your Mastercard card account has been issued.
Confidentiality and Security: We may disclose all information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform administrative services on our behalf solely in connection with insurance coverage you have received. We restrict access to personal information to our employees, our affiliates' employees, or others who need to know that information to service the account or in the course of conducting our normal business operations. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect personal information.
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, or other provisions of any program or insurance benefits provided by, or for, or issued to Mastercard.
Trip Inconvenience
Description of Coverage
- Important information. Please read and save.
- The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, or other provisions of any program or insurance benefits provided by, or for, or issued to Mastercard.
- To file a claim or for more information on any of these services, please call the specific Mastercard Global Service™ toll-free number for your country, or call direct, or collect to the United States at: 1-636-722–8883 (English); 1-636-722-8882 (Español); 1-636-722-8881(Português).
- “Card” refers to Mastercard® Platinum card
- “Cardholder”, “you”, and “your” refer to a Mastercard® Platinum Cardholder, who has an eligible Mastercard® Platinum Account and whose name is embossed on the surface of the Mastercard® Platinum card.
- Selection of benefits on your Mastercard card may vary by card issuer. Please refer to your issuing financial institution for more details.
- Mastercard® Platinum Cardholders may benefit from peace of mind knowing that travel and accommodation expenses paid in advance are covered if a trip is unexpectedly cancelled or delayed.
Who is Covered:
- Mastercard® Platinum Cardholders, their Spouse/Domestic Partner and Dependent Children.
To Get Coverage:
Coverage is provided when the entire cost of the Common Carrier Conveyance passenger fare has been charged to your Mastercard® Platinum card; or has been acquired with points earned by an eligible Rewards Program associated with your Mastercard® Platinum card (i.e. mileage points for travel). In order to be eligible for coverage cardholder must pay all associated taxes, shipping & handling fees and any other required fees to your Mastercard® Platinum card and/or with reward points associated to your Mastercard® Platinum card.
- Coverage is effective only if the trip is purchased before the Insured Person becomes aware of any circumstances that could lead to the cancellation of his/her journey.
The Kind of Coverage you Receive:
Trip Cancellation Coverage: Benefits may be provided for trips that are cancelled due to an unexpected death, Serious Injury or Sickness of the Insured Person, the Insured Person’s Traveling Companion, or immediate family member(s) of the Insured Person.
- This coverage provides benefits up to USD† 1,500 for loss of travel and/or accommodation expenses paid in advance by the Insured Person; and
- For which the Insured Person is legally liable and which are not recoverable from any other source before the date of commencement of the journey.
- Excess Coverage - These benefits supplement the Common Carrier Conveyance’s liability for Trip Inconvenience and what is covered under the cancellation policies for the accommodation(s) paid in advance.
- The Covered Trip must be cancelled before it commences.
What is NOT Covered by Trip Cancellation (Exclusions):
Trip Cancellation Coverage shall not include benefits for any loss arising from or caused directly and/or indirectly by:
- government regulations or control, bankruptcy, liquidation or default of travel agencies, or carrier caused cancellation;
- a loss covered by any other existing insurance scheme, government program or which will be paid or refunded by a hotel, travel agent or any other provider of travel and/or accommodation;
- bodily injury or sickness due to or in consequence of mental and nervous disorders, including but not limited to insanity;
- any claim related to disinclination to travel or financial circumstances of the Insured Person;
- suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self-inflicted injury;
- failure to obtain required passport, visa or immunizations before departure;
- alcohol or drug abuse;
- any cancellations resulting from Civil or Foreign war, riots, popular movements, any pre-existing conditions, any effect of a source of radioactivity, epidemics, pollution, natural catastrophes or climatic events;
- elective, cosmetic, or plastic surgery, except as a result of an Injury caused by a covered Accident while coverage is in force;
- pregnancy: sickness or injury related to pregnancy will not be covered if the sickness or injury occurs within 3 months (three months before / three months after) of the expected (or actual) delivery date;
- laws, regulations or orders, issued or made by any Government or Public Authority;
- an Insured Person traveling against the advice of a Physician;
- the default of any a) provider of transport; or b) agent of such provider;
- strikes or labor disputes which existed or of which advance warning had been given prior to the date on which a Trip was booked;
- cancellation due to withdrawal from service temporarily or permanently of any Common Carrier Conveyance on the orders or recommendations of any Port Authority or the Aviation Agency or any similar body in any country.
- The Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, will not be liable to provide any coverage or make any payment hereunder if to do so would be in violation of any sanctions law or regulation which would expose The Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, its parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any penalty under any sanctions law or regulation.
Trip Delay is defined as the event where the departure of the Common Carrier Conveyance in which the Insured Person had arranged to travel is delayed for at least four (4) consecutive hours from the time specified in the itinerary supplied to the Insured Person. This benefit is offered on a primary basis.
What’s Covered
This insurance covers all necessary, Reasonable and Additional Expenses, such as meals and refreshments, hotel expenses and / or airport transfer expenses incurred as a result of a delay of at least four (4) consecutive hours from the time specified in the itinerary supplied to the Insured Person of the departure of the Common Carrier Conveyance in which the Insured Person had arranged to travel.
Coverage Conditions/Limitations:
This insurance covers loss consequent up to USD 100 † upon the delay of the Common Carrier Conveyance due to the following:
- delay of a Common Carrier Conveyance caused by inclement weather, which means any severe weather condition that delays the scheduled arrival or departure of a Common Carrier Conveyance; or
- delay caused by equipment failure of a Common Carrier Conveyance, which means any sudden, unforeseen breakdown in the Common Carrier Conveyance 's equipment that delays the scheduled arrival or departure of a Common Carrier Conveyance; or
- delay due to an unforeseen strike or other job action by employees of a Common Carrier Conveyance, which means any labor disagreement that delays the scheduled arrival or departure of a Common Carrier Conveyance.
- This benefit is offered on a primary basis.
What is NOT Covered (Exclusions)
This coverage shall not include any loss caused directly and/or indirectly due to:
- an event which was made public or known to the Insured Person prior to the date their trip was booked;
- the laws, regulations or orders, issued or made by any Government or Public Authority; or
- strikes or labor disputes which existed or of which advance warning had been given prior to the date on which a trip was booked;
- the withdrawal from service temporarily or permanently of any Common Carrier Conveyance on the orders or recommendations of any Port Authority or the Aviation Agency or any similar government body in any country;
- a bomb search or bomb threat.
- The Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, will not be liable to provide any coverage or make any payment hereunder if to do so would be in violation of any sanctions law or regulation which would expose The Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, its parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any penalty under any sanctions law or regulation.
Key Terms and Definitions:
Accident: means a sudden, unforeseen, uncontrollable and unexpected physical event to the Insured Person caused by external, violent and visible means occurring during a Covered Trip.
Account: means an International Use Mastercard® Platinum card account that is open and in good standing (not cancelled, suspended or delinquent) at the time of Purchase of the Common Carrier Conveyance ticket
The Company: means a Member Company of AIG Insurance Company underwriting the Insurance coverage, and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable.
Cardholder: means a person who has an eligible Account and whose name is on the surface (embossed or other) of an eligible Mastercard® Platinum card provided by an Issuer in the issuing territory.
Common Carrier Conveyance: means any land, water or air conveyance operated under a valid and in good standing license for the transportation of passengers for hire for which a ticket has been obtained.
Covered Trip: means a trip where (a) the Insured Person’s full fare for a Common Carrier Conveyance has been charged to an eligible Account or (b) purchased with an eligible card that received mileage points, and other similar discounts from reward programs for travel issued by Mastercard or a Mastercard International Issuer, or (c) both point (a) and (b) of this definition and by an Insured Person on behalf of another Insured Person. Additionally, if the above definition has been met and a change in airfare and/or change in flight and/or a class upgrade occurs, which was made with another means of payment or Rewards Program, it will also be considered a Covered Trip; however the maximum sum insured benefit amount will be based on the eligible class for the original passenger fare purchase and this will be the only benefit amount applicable.
Such Covered Trip shall be deemed to have commenced when the Insured Person begins travel when the Common Carrier Conveyance is scheduled for departure and continues until such time as the Insured Person completes travel, or up to the maximum scope of coverage where applicable.
Dependent Child(ren): means named dependent children, including adopted, step and foster children of the cardholder, aged between birth and 18 years, or 25 years if attending as a full time student an accredited institution of higher learning, who are unmarried and who permanently reside and receive the majority of maintenance and support from the Insured Person. Children who are wholly dependent on the Insured Person for support and maintenance due to permanent physical or mental disability will be considered dependents of the Insured Person, if the Insured Person is eligible for benefits.
To verify eligibility for the physically or mentally disabled dependent child(ren), the Cardholder may be requested to provide medical records for the physically or mentally disabled dependent child(ren).
Dependents: means the Cardholder’s Spouse, Domestic Partner and Dependent Children.
Domestic Partner: means an opposite or a same sex partner who has met all of the following requirements for at least 12 months: (1) resides with the Insured Person at Insured Person's principal residence; (2) shares financial assets and obligations with the Insured Person; (3) is not related by blood to the Insured Person to a degree of closeness that would prohibit a legal marriage; (4) is at least the age of consent in the state in which they reside; and (5) neither the Insured Person or Domestic Partner is married to anyone else, nor has any other Domestic Partner.
Good Standing: means an Account that is current in its dues and payments and follows all other requirements from the Issuer.
Home Country: means the country where an Insured Person has his/her true, fixed and permanent home and principal establishment, and to which whenever he/she has the intention of returning, which must be the same as the Issuing Territory of the Mastercard® Platinum card. For the purpose of MasterAssist Plus, travel from one US territory or province or island to another US territory, province or island is considered a travel outside of the Home Country.
Hospital: means a place that: (a) holds a valid license (if required by law); (b) operates primarily for the care and treatment of Sick or injured persons; (c) has a staff of one or more Physicians available at all times; (d) provides 24-hour nursing service and has at least one registered professional nurse on duty at all times; (e) has organized diagnostic and surgical facilities, either on premises or in facilities available to the Hospital or a pre-arranged basis; and (f) is not, except incidentally, a clinic, nursing home, rest home, or convalescent home for the aged, or a facility operated as a drug and/or alcohol treatment center.
Infants: while travelling on Common Carrier Conveyance an infant is a child usually under the age of two (2) years old that can be identified as a covered dependent while traveling with the insured cardholder (i.e. on the insured’s boarding pass or covered under the insured’s travel ticket). Note that the age can vary from one Common Carrier Conveyance to another (i.e. from one airline to another).
Injury: means a bodily injury caused solely and directly by violent, accidental, external and visible means resulting directly and independently of all other causes occurring during a Covered Trip while this policy is in effect.
Insured Person(s): means a Mastercard® Platinum cardholder or other eligible person(s) who are defined as being eligible under each program’s “Who is Covered” provision in this guide.
Issuer: means a bank, financial institution (or like entity) or Corporation and/or Government Institution (CGI) that is admitted or and/or authorized by Mastercard to operate a Mastercard card program in the Issuing Territory.
Issuing Territories: means all Caribbean territories, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Mastercard: means Mastercard International (or Mastercard Worldwide), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, USA, with a principal place of business at 2000 Purchase Street, Purchase, NY 10577.
Physician: means a doctor of medicine or a doctor of osteopathy legally licensed to practice, render medical services or perform surgery in accordance with the laws of the country where such professional services are performed, however, such definition will exclude chiropractors, physiotherapists, homeopaths and naturopaths.
Policy: means a contract of insurance and any attached endorsements or riders issued to Mastercard.
Reasonable and Additional Expenses: means any expenses for meals and lodging which were necessarily incurred as the result of a covered hazard and which are not provided by the Common Carrier Conveyance or any other party free of charge.
Reward Program: means a program developed/offered by Mastercard and Issuer, allowing cardholders to earn value (mileage points, cash, etc.) and redeem rewards (merchandise, travel, etc.) on an eligible Mastercard card. An eligible Rewards Program must be a consequence of “plastic”/card transactions associated with Mastercard, regardless of the value earned (mileage points, cash, etc.). Rewards programs where points are not generated by “plastic”/card transactions, or not associated with Mastercard at all, are not considered eligible Rewards Programs. For a Cardholder to be eligible for coverage, he/she must pay all associated taxes, shipping and handling fees and any other required fees with his/her eligible Mastercard card or eligible Mastercard reward points.
Serious Injury or Sickness: means one which requires treatment by a legally qualified medical practitioner and which results in the Insured Person being certified by the practitioner as unfit to travel or continue with his/her original journey.
Sickness: means illness or disease of any kind contracted and/or commencing during a Covered Trip.
Spouse: means the husband or wife or domestic partner of the Cardholder as legislated and/or regulated by the local law and who is living at the same residence as the Cardholder in the Cardholder’s Home Country.
Traveling Companion: means the person(s) traveling with the eligible Cardholder on the same schedule
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, or other provisions of any program or insurance benefits provided by, or for, or issued to Mastercard.
How to File a Claim:
In the event of a claim, the following procedures should be followed:
- You (cardholder) or the beneficiary or someone legally acting on behalf of either, must notify us as required in the Claim Notification Period, or your claim may be denied - Upon receipt of a notice of claim, the Plan Administrator, Claims Administrator or Insurance Company, will furnish to a claimant the necessary Claim Form(s);
- Complete the Claim Form(s) in its entirety signed and dated;
- Submit all Required Information (proof of loss), as outlined in this section no later than the Submission Period.
Please note, there may be additional information requested at times in order to process your claim. It is your responsibility to provide this information in order to process the claim.
For assistance with filing a claim, please call the specific MasterCard Global Service™ toll-free number for your country, or call direct, or collect, to the United States at: 1-636-722–8883 (English); 1-636-722-8882 (Español); 1-636-722-8881 (Português).
Claim Notification Period: Within ninety (90) days from the date of loss.
Submission Period: No later than one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of Claim Notification.
Required Information (proof of loss):
For Trip Cancellation:
a) Documentation detailing the reason for cancellation, including evidence of the nature of Serious Injury or Sickness such as certified copies of: medical evidence reports, attending physician statements, medical receipts and related documentation;
For Trip Delay:
a) Verbal confirmation that trip was delayed for at least four (4) consecutive hours from the time specified in the itinerary supplied to the Insured Person;
For Trip Cancellation and Trip Delay:
a) Transaction verification confirming the full passenger fare for the Covered Trip had been charged to the eligible Mastercard® Platinum card, including copies of Common Carrier Conveyance ticket(s) and receipts;
b) Cardholder's statement of Account showing it is eligible at the Purchase of the Common Carrier Conveyance tickets.
Please note there may be additional information requested at times in order to process your claim. It is your responsibility to provide this information in order to process the claim.
Submit all required information as outlined above by either:
- Upload: www.mycardbenefits.com
- Email: mcresponse@ufac-claims.com
- Fax: 1-216-617-2910
- Mail: MasterCard Benefits Assistance Center
c/o Program Administrator at Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.
PO Box 89405
Cleveland, OH, 44101-6405
Payment of Claims:
Where allowable by law, Benefit for loss of life is payable to the beneficiary designated by the Insured Person. If there has been no such designation, then payment of claim will be to the Insured Person’s first surviving beneficiary as follows:
a. Spouse or Domestic Partner;
b. Children, in equal shares;
c. Parents, in equal shares;
d. Brothers and sisters, in equal shares; or
e. Executor or administrator
Subject to the applicable terms and conditions, all other benefits will be paid to the Insured Person or other appropriate party where necessary. Payment of any indemnity shall be subject to the laws and governmental regulations then in effect in the country of payment.
† Each insurance benefit limit described in this Guide is in United States Dollar (USD). Payment of claims will be made in local currency where required law, with the official Foreign Exchange Rates published on the date the claim is paid.
General Provisions and Disclaimers:
General: These benefits and services are effective for eligible Mastercard cardholders effective January 1, 2020. This document supersedes any guide or program communication you may have received earlier. The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. This document is not a Policy, contract, warranty or promise of insurance or other benefit. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions and exclusions of the policies or other benefits, all of which are subject to change by Mastercard or the underwriters or other service providers at any time and without prior notice. Provision of services is subject to availability and applicable legal restrictions. Insurance coverage is underwritten by approved Member Companies of AIG Insurance Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable. Complete provisions pertaining to these plans of insurance are contained in the Master Policy(ies) on file with the Plan Administrator, Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. on behalf of Mastercard Worldwide, Latin America and Caribbean Region in Purchase, New York, USA. If there are any discrepancies between this document and the Master Policy(ies) or the applicable Mastercard contract for other benefits, the Master Policy(ies) or the applicable Mastercard contract for other benefits shall govern. The Insurance Company has the final authority to determine the outcome of an insurance claim.
Cancellation: Mastercard can cancel these benefits at any time or choose not to renew insurance coverage for all Cardholders. Insurance coverage or benefits provided by these programs may cease on the date indicated in the Master Policy in existence between Mastercard International and the Insurance Company; or will be terminated on the date your Mastercard card terminates or ceases to be a Valid Account, whichever occurs first. If a benefit/program is cancelled, cardholders will be notified in advance, as soon as reasonably practical. The effective time for any Cancellation referenced in this section shall be 12:01 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. Any claim for benefits from Trip Inconvenience Protection that occurs prior to the effective date of cancellation shall not be prejudiced by the cancellation or non-renewal, subject to the terms and conditions of the Master Policy(ies).
Valid Account: (1) Your Mastercard card account must be open, valid and in good standing for any benefits, coverage or services to apply; and (2) Benefits will not be paid and coverage will not apply if; on the date of an accident, occurrence or incident that causes or results in a loss covered under any plan of insurance, your Mastercard card account is not open, valid, in good standing; or is in delinquency, collection, or cancellation status.
Cardholder Duties After a Loss (Due Diligence): You must use all reasonable means to avoid future loss at and after the time of loss and provide full compliance with the duties that are described. This includes full cooperation with the Insurance Company, Plan Administrator(s) and Third Party Claims Administrator who act on behalf of Mastercard for programs or other services offered as benefits to a cardholder; with investigating, evaluating and settling a claim.
Concealment, Fraud or Misrepresentation: Insurance coverage/benefits or services described herein, will be void, whether before or after a loss or request for services are made, if you willfully concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance concerning or provided fraudulent information concerning the plans of insurance or other services described herein to: Mastercard International, the Insurance Company, financial institution issuing the card Account, or any other company performing services and/or administration on behalf of these programs.
Legal Actions: No legal action may be brought to recover on a Policy until sixty (60) days after the Insurance Company has been given written proof of loss. No such action may be brought after three (3) years from the time written proof of loss is required to be given.
Conformity with local statutes: Any provision of a Policy, which; on its effective date, is in conflict with the statutes of the country in which the policy was delivered or issued for delivery is hereby amended to conform to the minimum requirement of such statutes.
Sanctions: The Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, will not be liable to provide any coverage or make any payment hereunder if to do so would be in violation of any sanctions law or regulation which would expose The Company and/or corresponding Reinsurer, if applicable, its parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any penalty under any sanctions law or regulation.
Arbitration: Any dispute regarding the terms of any Master Policy(ies) of insurance, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination will be referred to and resolved by arbitration and in accordance with the arbitration rules/regulations of the country where your Mastercard card account has been issued.
Confidentiality and Security: We may disclose all information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform administrative services on our behalf solely in connection with insurance coverage you have received. We restrict access to personal information to our employees, our affiliates' employees, or others who need to know that information to service the account or in the course of conducting our normal business operations. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect personal information.
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is provided solely for general informational purposes. It does not intend to be a complete description of all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, or other provisions of any program or insurance benefits provided by, or for, or issued to Mastercard.
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