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HSBC card alerts

Protect yourself from fraud through early detection with HSBC credit card and debit card alerts

Personalise the credit and debit card alerts that you want to receive

The best protection from fraud is early detection. With HSBC credit and debit card alerts, whenever your credit or debit card is used, you can identify any unfamiliar transactions earlier by receiving alert notifications at no cost to you. HSBC credit and debit card alerts put you in control.

Using our online platform you can update your credit card alert preferences anywhere, anytime, by requesting new alerts or making changes to existing alerts.


Receive alerts via email, with custom alerts for all transaction types and dollar amounts for:

  • purchases over a selected amount

  • purchases outside of Bermuda (i.e. international purchases)

  • online and phone purchases, where the card is not physically present

  • declined transactions

  • approaching your credit card limit

HSBC helps keep your card safe with all of these protection benefits:

  • account monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • card alerts
  • chip technology


How to sign up

Use our easy online platform to register for credit card alerts (note: you will be redirected to another page to complete sign up).

What to do if you detect an unfamiliar transaction

If you receive an alert and notice an unfamiliar transaction, contact our 24/7 contact centre immediately on 299-5518.

If you are an HSBC Premier customer you should contact us on 299-5252 and HSBC Advance customers should call 299-5454.


Issued by HSBC Bank Bermuda Limited, of 37 Front Street, Hamilton Bermuda, which is licensed to conduct Banking and Investment Business by the Bermuda Monetary Authority.

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